Monday, October 4, 2010

First Day on the Job

Today we held a Medical Clinic in Area 2. There were many patients that came in today, adults and children. Many different illnesses but by the grace of God everyone who came in was seen. There were only a couple of cases where we could not provide complete care due to their sickness needing to be treated at a hospital. Considering the number of patients that came in and to only have a couple of cases we could not treat was truly a BLESSING. There were 4 of us (Tim, Chris, Ana and myself – LaSaundra) who spent the day visiting homes with children with disabilities. This was more difficult than I could have ever imagined it to be. We went into several homes, but the one that stays on my mind the most is Julia (mother) and Brian (son). Julia has been diagnosed with HIV and Brian is paralyzed due to having contracted Meningitis. Julia has to work to take care of Brian and her family so she cooks food and sells it. When we got to the home Julia was out working so a neighbour called her to let her know we where there so she would come home and visit with us. While waiting for Julia to come home, we were informed that a typical day for Brian was that he is left at home alone from around 7am to 4 or 5pm while his mother works. While she is out working there is no one in the home to care for Brain, this was definitely a hard pill to swallow. The bright side of this is Julia believes in Christ and knows that through Him all things are possible. Please continue to pray for us and ALL the children and families we come in contact with. Love and Miss You All!!

1 comment:

  1. It breaks my heart to hear of the difficulties the Kenyans face every day and it lifts my spirits to hear of the faith with which some face their troubled lives. It must be heart rending for you to see it so directly and at the same time uplifting to be able to supply some small service to assist them. Thank you for your endeavors and for sharing it with us.
